Earth Wisdom

Earth WisdomBy deepening our relationship with the natural world, the animals, elementals, angels, our spirit guides and ourselves ~ we can strengthen our compassion, awareness, and respect for all that is.  This vibration resonates with the collective universal energy of every living thing, and continually flows whether we realize it or not. 

Through meditative practice and energy techniques we can better align with this vibration, connect with Spirit, and better understand our journey from a unique perspective.  This is Reiki and Intuition at its core.  Being a spiritual being in a physical body elevates personal awareness, helps us to tune into our thoughts and feelings more accurately, and can offer solutions to issues with more clarity.

As an Earth Wisdomkeeper within the Andean tradition of the Medicine Wheel, I have studied specific principles for deepening the awareness of the energy of nature.  This transcends many levels of understanding, but especially resonates with sharing the planet with every living being, whether plant, animal, or person.  We are all striving to create a life that is balanced and show respect for others while sharing the natural resources which sustain us.    

My offerings are to assist others on their journey of self discovery regarding Earth Wisdom and Intuitive Development within Workshops like:  Animal Reiki, Animal Intuition, Animal Spirit Helpers, Earth Wisdom, Meditation 101, Angel Meditation, Creating a Spiritual Toolbox, and Chakras.  My passion for helping the environment is rooted in my desire to be more present within nature to not only ground my own energy, but to receive messages from the energies of nature for how to be a better steward of the earth.  Everyone is capable of connecting more deeply with the intuitive energy all around us, and in return this energy will nurture us.  View all Workshops